People who are suffering
from bad foot odors may be embarrassed about the smell. Foot odor is the most
troublesome and embarrassing situation that most people want to get rid of by
all means. Luckily there are lots of things that you can do to try to eliminate
the smelly odors from your feet such as applying a footodor spray. Before it, you should learn more about why foot odor
Pay more attention to your feet from now on.
Feet are an
essential part of our bodies. You have to take good care of your feet because
no matter walking, running, exercising, or just standing, you can’t make it if
your feet are uncomfortable. Some problems can afflict feet’s health if not
taken well care of. Such as, foot odor, cracked skin, fungal infections and
even damaged bones can cause discomfort and reduced mobility.
3 mistakes that most people commit are likely get
smelly feet.
1. Bacteria on the
skin breaks down sweat as it come from the pores. A cheesy odor is released as
the sweat decomposes. Your feet sweat into your shoes all day so they get damp
and bacteria start to grow.
2. Long time in
the same and dirty shoes. Wearing the same shoes every day will be more likely
to have foot perspiration if you’re on your feet all day which makes you sweat
more than usual.
3. Fungal
infections if careless care your feet. Like athlete’s foot, of other kinds of
problems can lead to bad foot odors. Feet become smelly if sweat soaks into
shoes and they don't dry before you wear them again.
Some useful tips on dealing foot odors.
1. Baking Soda is
an effective remedy to eliminate foot odor. It neutralizes the pH of sweat and
reduces bacteria. Add baking soda in warm water and soak your feet in it for 15
to 20 minutes every night for about one week.
2. Lavender oil
not only smells good but also helps kill bacteria. Besides, it has anti-fungal
properties that are effective in treating foot odor. Put a few drops of lavender
essential oil in warm water and soak your feet in it for half an hour.
3. Black tea helps kill the bacteria that produce foot odor. It also helps
close pores on your feet, thereby reducing the amount of sweat on which the
bacteria feed. Boil two black tea bags in hot water and soak your feet in it
4. Vinegar is
beneficial in getting rid of smelly feet as it creates an acidic environment in
which bacteria cannot survive. Prepare a mixture of one-half cup of vinegar and
six to eight cups of hot water and then soak your feet in it.
Finally, wash your
feet thoroughly with soap to remove the vinegar smell. if there are still
smells in the air, you can apply an air freshener dispenser
to remove them. All these methods can offer you a smell-free house.